It can be challenging for health professionals to access relevant education and training, so that’s why we run a popular regular webinar series designed specifically for health professionals. The topics are chosen based on requests we receive, so if there is a topic you would like, please let us know. There is a mix of daytime and evening sessions, and although we encourage live participation, sessions are recorded for those unable to watch live.
Our education programme is endorsed by the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) – Learn more.
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MENOPAUSE – Getting it right for your patients
Professor Bev Lawton (Ngati Porou) is the founder/director of Te Tatai Hauora o Hine (the National Centre for Women’s Health Research Aotearoa) She previously worked as a
general practitioner in Wellington for 17 years ...

The future of MND treatment in New Zealand – Best practice recommendations and beyond
Alan currently works as a Consultant Neurologist in Hawke's Bay. He is the co-chair of the motor neurone disease (MND) best
practice ....

Dr Joseph Donnelly is a Neurology Advanced Trainee at Auckland City Hospital and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Anaesthesiology at the University of Auckland. He completed his PhD in Brain Physics at the University of Cambridge and has published 170+ articles on brain injury, cerebrovascular ...

Sally has worked in the field of Sleep Medicine for the last 20 years, being a Nurse Practitioner for almost five years. Based in Christchurch, she has clinical work in Canterbury, West Coast and South Canterbury. Her field of interest and expertise is around Sleep Health ...

Dr Kathryn Mannix took early retirement after 30 years as a palliative care doctor, to campaign for better public understanding of dying. Her first book With the End in Mind is a collection of stories that illustrate the way people live while they are dying, and ...

Dr Michal Boyd is a Nurse Practitioner and Honorary Associate Professor with the School of Nursing and Department of Geriatric Medicine, University of Auckland. She practices with Equinox Health Ltd, a primary healthcare provider for aged care facilities ...

Youth Mental Health – Supporting our young people
Dr Cathy Stephenson is a Wellington based GP. In her clinical role, she supports young people as part of the 502 Rangatahi Ora team in Porirua. In 2022 Dr Stephenson moved from the RNZCGP, where she was clinical lead of the training programme ...

Tony has been a mental health nurse for over 40 years and has practised in Liaison Psychiatry, including in the role of Duly Authorised Oicer under the Mental Health Act. Tony has
researched use of mental health legislation ...

ASTHMA – Strategies to Optimise Patient Self-management
Teresa is a Registered Nurse with broad nursing and health management experience in both hospital and community based positions. For the last 13 years she has had the position of Nurse Manager and more recently Respiratory Nurse Educator at CanBreathe, providing individual consultations and ...

Assisted Dying
Assisted Dying (AD) became legal in New Zealand with the passing of the End of Life Choice Act 2019. Regardless of one’s personal view, healthcare practitoners have specific obligations under the law and need to understand the legislation and know how to respond ...

Consultations with Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Suzanne immigrated to New Zealand in 1989 and began working as a General Practitioner at The Wellsford Medical Centre. In 1993 she started as a hospital doctor at The Bay of Islands
Hospital in Kawakawa. Suzanne went on to become ...

Jelly O’Shea (she/they) is the Community and Communications Manager for Intersex Aotearoa. Jelly is a queer, Pakeha and intersex person, born in Otepoti with Irish, Scottish, Dutch and English ancestry...

COPD: An update on diagnosis and treatment for primary care
Michael completed his medical degree from the University of Auckland and then completed training in Respiratory Medicine in Auckland. His interest is in respiratory physiology and furthering ...

This presentation will cover:
• How to recognise and de-escalate heightened behaviours, from agitation ramping up to aggression
• What responses are needed to de-escalate individuals at different points ....

Andy started life in the UK, completing his training in renal medicine, dialysis and transplantation in hospitals around the South West and Midlands. He also had a decade-long stint researching kidney and blood function in diabetes ...

Headache Management and Red Flags Through Cases
Ray completed his specialist postgraduate medical and neurology training in the UK, moving to Auckland three years ago. He has a specialist interest in the management of headache disorders ...

The Diabetic Foot
This national webinar was held on two consecutive evenings in November, looking at the management of the Diabetic Foot, as well as presentations from companies updating us on related products ...

Te Pā Harakeke | Nurturing care in the first 1000 days
Pepi experience the world through the relationship they have within their whanau, and these early experiences set them up for how they interpret the world as they grow older. It is imperative, therefore, that both pepi and whanau are supported during this crucial period ...

Wellness and Resilience for Good Mental Health in the workplace
Dr Sandy Richardson is a Senior Lecturer with the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Canterbury and is the Nurse Researcher for the Emergency Department at Christchurch Hospital ...

Tender conversations
Dr Kathryn Mannix took early retirement after 30 years as a palliative care doctor, to campaign for better public understanding of dying. Her first book With the End in Mind is a collection of stories that illustrate the way people live while they are dying ...