1. Watch the recorded webinar below from start to finish.
2. To claim your hours, click on the claim a certificate button. This will send you a quick quiz about the webinar, once answered a certificate will be generated for you.
About the webinar

Dr Jasmine Tan
Endocrinologist and Nephrologist, Auckland and Counties DHBs, Te Whatu Ora

Jasmine is the chair of the Hypertension Interest Group in Auckland. This group brings together clinicians and scientists and allows for an integrated platform for translational research in hypertension. She is also affiliated with Manaaki Manawa the Centre for Heart Research, which promotes cardiovascular health and heart health equity.

Topics will include:

  • What does the new hypertension guidelines mean for your patients
  • Hypertension management in special populations such as:
    patients with diabetes; patients with chronic kidney disease, and elderly patients
  • Resistant hypertension and screening for secondary causes
  • Non-pharmacological therapies for reducing blood pressure
