Sharyn Creighton Occupational Therapist/Clinical Specialist - Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury Bio: Sharyn works in the older persons mental health service (OPMH) within the community as an occupational therapist, and as a dementia educator for the Walking in Another’s...
Dr John Thwaites Director, Medical Clinical Training - Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury Qualification: MBA, FRACP, MB ChB Bio: John is a specialist geriatrician for the older persons health specialist service of the Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury. He is also director...
Dr Dick Sainsbury Retired Physician in Geriatric Medicine Qualifications: MA., M.B.ChB., F.R.A.C.P., P.G.DipArts Bio: After Dick graduated from the University of Otago he completed six Resident Medical Officer years in Auckland before going to the United Kingdom for...
Older Adult Health team Older Adult Health Team - Te Whatu Ora Waitemata The older adult health team includes: Carol Pilcher Janet Parker Their topics include: The complex wound; wound bed preparation and a holistic assessment Pressure injury prevention ...