Dean Cowles
Kaitohutohu Nēhi ā-Motu - Ngā Take Māori, National Nursing Advisor - Māori Affairs, Rōpu Whakahaere Nēhi - Nursing Directorate, Southern Cross Healthcare
Ko Pūtauaki te maunga
Ko Rangitaiki te awa
Ko Mātaatua te waka
Ko Ngāti Awa te iwi
Ko Te Patuwai te hapu
Ko Tamatea kitehuatahi te marae
Ko Dean Cowles toku ingoa
Ko taku tūranga mahi ki Southern Cross Healthcare
Ko te Māori Nurse Advisor
Dean’s clinical background is in clinical education, theatre, PACU and public health. He has spent most of his nursing career in the public sector and made the move into private healthcare three years ago. Dean currently works as the Māori Nurse Advisor, within the Nursing Directorate, for Southern Cross Healthcare. Dean is motivated to inspire transformational change for Māori patients & whānau who enter the private sector. Part of this is collaborating with key stakeholders across the country to re-indigenise the way in which healthcare is provided. “These are exciting times where we have the unique opportunity to harness cultural and clinical capability to influence change”.
Nā te hono nei
I honoa ai ēnei waka
Mā te hono tonu
E rewa tahi atu ai
His topics include:
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi in Healthcare
- Inequities in Māori Health: An analysis
- Cultural awareness and safety