Cam Howard

Cam Howard

Clinical Nurse Specialist - Sepsis

Camilla has been a registered nurse for 23 years in New Zealand, Australia, and the United Kingdom; primary fields worked in include ICU, ED, aeromedical field and rural Australia. For the last 10 years working as a senior nurse in critical care outreach (PAR equivalent) and now as a sepsis CNS. Camilla has a keen focus on the deteriorating patient and improving outcomes in the short and long term for patients in addition to fostering growth among clinicians working with the deteriorating patient. Camilla currently works as a clinician as part of the infectious disease team supporting and stewarding best practices in sepsis care delivery from the acute stage through to the outpatient setting. The role also has a focus on quality improvement and consultancy for other providers both in the acute and community settings.

Topics include:

• Statistics and the burden of sepsis
• Commitment and action. Quality improvement
• Pathophysiology
• Recognition and action – clinical resources and tools, prehospital and inpatient
• Post sepsis syndrome.



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