Sharyn Creighton
Occupational Therapist/Clinical Specialist - Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury
Bio: Sharyn works in the older persons mental health service (OPMH) within the community as an occupational therapist, and as a dementia educator for the Walking in Another’s Shoes programme. Walking in Another’s Shoes is a South Island education initiative aimed at assisting the dementia care workforce to move towards a more person-centred practice. Her areas of interest include dementia, maintaining and enhancing function, and empowering others through education. She has experience working with older adults across inpatient and community settings. Sharyn is passionate about using a person-centred care approach, particularly to inspire aged residential care workers and to support those living with dementia and their whanau.
Her topic includes:
- What does person-centred care really mean?
- What are the unmet needs?
- Removing labels
- Being creative with solutions