Lucy O’Hagan
MBChB DGM FRNZCGP DipGP (dist) CertNarrPrac, PGCertKaitiaki, General practitioner, medical educator, writer, mentor
Lucy is a GP, medical educator, writer and mentor. She works at Oratoa Cannons Creek in Porirua, although was for 20 years a rural GP in Wānaka. She has been a medical educator with RNZCGP for many years including a role supporting struggling registrars and providing professional development to teachers. Lucy has written a column for NZ Doctor magazine for nearly a decade and in 2024 recorded a set of stories written during the pandemic. The podcast Waiting for Covid is a great remembering of what we all went through, told with poignancy and humour. Lucy’s book Everything but the Medicine will be published by Massey University press in September 2025.
Lucy has studied the social science of medicine as well as narrative practice and more recently studied kaitiakitanga, a mātauranga Māori view of relationships of care and support, with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.
Her topics include:
- Consultation skills for all prescribers including clinical reasoning, consultation structure, incorporating the patient’s story, managing uncertainty and safety-netting.
- Managing complex boundaries working in small communities.
- Managing complex consultations.
- Identifying and remediating problems in consultations.
- Supporting prescribers with errors or complaints.
- Cultural safety and reflective practice.