Perioperative Nurses College
Welcome to the PNC (Perioperative Nurses College) of New Zealand, NZNO My Health Hub webpage. The PNC are an organisation devoted to the professional development of perioperative health professionals. We are constantly looking for new ways to deliver resources and professional development to our members, COVID-19 has given us the opportunity to explore online options. Shift work and remote settings make attending in-person sessions challenging for many of us. We aim to utilise this platform to connect with and to share information with perioperative health care professionals throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand.
The PNC has eight regions representing our College and members. Each month, one of these regions will be hosting an educational platform. We aim to have expert nurses presenting these sessions and sharing their knowledge and experience with the aim of improving the care we provide to our patients.
Visit the PNC website.
Join the Perioperative Nurses College.

Upcoming Webinars..
COMING UP: Transforming Cardiac Surgery Nursing
TIME: 7.00 – 8.00pm
This presentation will discuss the challenges of navigating the learning curve and the strategies employed to overcome them. Presenters will highlight the potential of advanced nursing roles to drive innovation in surgical practice and improve patient outcomes, providing a framework for perioperative teams seeking to implement similar initiatives.
Recorded Webinars
Recorded Webinar #20:
Held on: Thursday 10th October 2024
SIÂN MITCHELL, National Nursing Advisor Perianaesthesia, Southern Cross Healthcare
This presentation will explore a brief history of anaesthetic nursing in Aotearoa and aligining nursing knowledge and skills to the anaesthetic assistant role. Pathways to develop anaesthetic nursing competencies will be outlined in addition to the learnings from six years of delivering RN AA training in NZ, the implications of re-branding the RN-AA and flexible ways of working.
Recorded Webinar #19:
Held on: Tuesday 27th August 2024
CNS Patient Blood Management team, Te Toka Tumai, RNAA Starship Operating Rooms
JUVEL GEORGE, CNS for PBM & Nurse Educator
for Level 8 Operating Rooms, Te Toka Tumai
This presentation will discuss:
• The overarching concepts of patient blood management (PBM)
• The key principles of PBM
• Evidence based and wise use of blood products
• Alternatives to red blood cells such as iron
• Principles of PBM and how they apply to a critical hemorrhage.
Recorded Webinar #18:
Held on: Tuesday 30th July 2024
• Different types of hip fractures
• Surgical fixation options
• Nursing considerations
• ANZHFR hip fracture care clinical care standard
FROM FIJI TO DUNEDIN – A Journey of Growth and Learning as a Perioperative Registered Nurse
In this presentation Roneel will discuss his journey as an internationally qualified nurse, the challenges, experiences and obstacles which he faced to achieve his nursing registration in New Zealand in 2023 and how his career as a Perioperative Registered Nurse has been so far at Dunedin Hospital.
Recorded Webinar #17:
Held on: Tuesday 7th May 2024
In this session Ana will discuss the PACU experience of acute behavioural disturbance in adult patients. In recent months Wellington PACU had reported an increase number of incidents where patients woke up in PACU with various stages of delirium to severe behavioural disturbance. This presentation will discuss the implications this has on care, the aetiology, preventative measures, and assessment and best practice treatment options.
Recorded Webinar #16:
Held on: Tuesday 19th March 2024
This webinar encompasses a comprehensive review of key concepts related to Maori health and cultural considerations within the perioperative setting. Dean will firstly delve into current Maori health status within the broader healthcare context, emphasising the differences between The Treaty and Te Tiriti, and advocating for a paradigm shift in healthcare practices. The focus of the session will then shift to understanding the lived experience of Maori individuals in the perioperative setting. The presentation will highlight the importance of incorporating Te Tiriti o Waitangi, specifically Kawanatanga, Tino Rangatiratanga, Oritetanga, and Wairuatanga, to promote cultural competence. Furthermore, Dean will outline the necessity for healthcare professionals to grasp the practical components of Te Ao Maori & Tikanga throughout the perioperative patient journey, ensuring a holistic and culturally sensitive approach to healthcare delivery.
Recorded Webinar #15:
Held on: Tuesday 20th February 2024
In this presentation Ian will discuss his time with Operation Restore Hope and the organisations commitment to surgically repairing cleft lips, palates and facial disfigurement for underprivileged children primarily in Manila.
These teams not only perform surgeries but also educate and enhance the skills of local medical staff, leaving a lasting impact on both the individuals treated and the communities served.
Recorded Webinar #14:
Held on: Thursday 23rd November 2023
This webinar will discuss:
• What a patients cancer pathway involves
• The developments in neoadjuvant treatments for rectal cancer and what it means to the patient
• ERAS pathway throughout the patient’s colorectal surgery – pre, during admission and post surgery
Recorded Webinar #13:
Held on: Wednesday 27th September 2023
This webinar will discuss:
• Background and significance of the research
• Study method
• Findings
• Implications for practice
• Future research
Recorded Webinar #12:
Held on: Thursday 14th September 2023
This webinar will discuss:
• Statistics for New Zealand
• Associated risk factors
• Skin cancer types
• Surgical and non-surgical management
Recorded Webinar #11:
Held on: Thursday 31st August 2023
In this webinar Dean will:
• Explore current Maori health status in relation to the social, cultural, political and economic factors that determine inequities for this group
• Provide insight into the main differences between the Treaty of Waitangi and Te Tiriti o Waitangi in the context of Health in Aotearoa
• Critically analyse the findings from the recent Waitangi Tribunal WAI2575 report that pertains to the application of Te Tiriti o Waitangi to practice.
Recorded Webinar #10:
Held on: Monday 19th June 2023
This webinar will:
• Help you understand the importance of some procedures and processes required in and around the sterile field.
• Offer revision of back-to-basics practices relating to the sterile procedure trolley in Theatre, Interventional Radiology, or the ward.
Recorded Webinar #9:
Held on: Thursday 11th May 2023
This presentation will include:
• Identifying our nursing reality/current nursing shortages
• Valuable characteristics of a multigenerational team
• Discussing health psychology and signs of stress
• Coping strategies for stress in the workforce/learning and building resilience
Recorded Webinar #8:
Held on: Tuesday 14 February 2023
Topics included:
- Defining sepsis
- Statistics and impact
- Pathophysiology of sepsis and the disease process
- Recognition / action. Whole process approach
- Post sepsis syndrome
Recorded Webinar #7:
Held on: Thursday 15 December 2023
Topics included:
Considerations required when anaesthetising a patient who has drugs and/or alcohol in their system.
Recorded Webinar #6:
Held on: Thursday 24 November 2022
Topics included:
- A brief history of Abdominal transplantation and a look to the future
- Transplantable abdominal organs
- Process for Transplantation from donor hospital OR to Transplant OR
- A walk-through Abdominal transplants, main focus Liver Transplant
- Transplant experience as a patient | The process
- Gratitude as a recipient
Recorded Webinar #5:
Held on: Monday 25th October 2022
This webinar will discuss:
‘How to work collaboratively with your work colleagues by gaining an understanding of their personality’ and ‘adapting your communication style with them to best suit their strengths and weaknesses for the betterment of the patient’ You cannot change their personality you can only work with it.
Recorded Webinar #4:
Held on: Thursday 25th August 2022
Topics included:
*Function of organ donor nurses
*Organ donor process
*Preparation of equipment
*Information needed to prepare for surgery
*What is needed from the team at the donor hospital
The presentation aimed to iron out or provide more detailed information about the process or the whole procedure of the organ donation process from a perioperative nurses point of view.
Recorded Webinar #3:
Held on: Saturday 2 July 2022
Part 1) Scrubbing, Gowning and Gloving – Nadine Harrison-Smith
Part 2) Specimen Management – Robin Guy
Recorded Webinar #2:
Held on: Thursday 26 May 2022
Part 1) The Below 10,000 patient safety initiative – Jill Wilson and Ash Kirk
Part 2) Scrub vs Rub Surgical Handwashing – Aimee Keogh
Recorded Webinar #1:
Held on: Thursday 28 April 2022
Part 1) Working outside your Normal Areas of Practice During the Pandemic – Suzanne Rolls
Part 2) Management of adults with diabetes undergoing surgeries and procedures – Amber Cox