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Respiratory Nurse Educator, CanBreathe

Teresa is a Registered Nurse with broad nursing and health management experience in both hospital and community based positions. For the last 13 years she has had the position of Nurse Manager and more recently Respiratory Nurse Educator at CanBreathe, providing individual consultations and group education on asthma, COPD and other respiratory conditions and spirometry testing. Teresa is a member of the executive for the NZNO College of Respiratory Nurses and was a member of the Asthma+Respiratory Foundation NZ Expert Advisory Group in 2015 involved in the development of the National Respiratory Strategy.

This presentation will discuss:

Poor asthma control is not necessarily due to patient non-adherence. Asthma is a chronic health condition and while guidelines and medications may assist in the diagnosis and treatment of asthma there are many other factors involved in achieving and sustaining good asthma control. Teresa will share some of the common issues that can lead to poor asthma control, some strategies to identify and overcome these and why ongoing
patient review and education is important.
